BDLA Webinar

The Stanford Building Decarbonization Learning Accelerator (BDLA) hosts workshops for professors who are interested in incorporating the BDLA teaching materials into their existing curriculum or developing a new building decarbonization course.

Click here to see a list of all upcoming BDLA webinars and view videos of previous webinars.

Gas Stove

BDLA Monthly Webinar: Cooking Up Clarity – Insights on Gas Stoves and their Influence on Indoor Air Quality

May 2, 2024 12pm-1pm PT

The Stanford Building Decarbonization Learning Accelerator (BDLA) will host a 1-hour webinar with experts from RMI and Stanford University.
Webinar Description:

Join our May webinar to dive into one of the hottest decarbonization topics in recent years: gas stoves. RMI expert Brady Seals and Dr. Rob Jackson of Stanford are teaming up for a discussion on the burning questions they get about the indoor air quality ramifications of cooking with gas and the health benefits of switching to electric. Bring your own questions for the open Q&A!

Speaker Bios: 
Stanford University
Rob Jackson
Rob Jackson is a professor of Earth System Sciences at Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability and Fellow at Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. He and his lab examine the many ways people affect the Earth. They seek basic scientific knowledge and use it to help shape policies and reduce the environmental footprint of global warming, energy extraction, and other issues. They are also working to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the Global Carbon Project, which Jackson chairs. 

Brady Seals
Brady Seals works on RMI’s Carbon-Free Buildings Team. She works to build the narrative on the health and air quality benefits of building decarbonization, build a network of health experts and advocates across the country, and advance health and climate policy.