BDLA Webinar

The Stanford Building Decarbonization Learning Accelerator (BDLA) hosts workshops for professors who are interested in incorporating the BDLA teaching materials into their existing curriculum or developing a new building decarbonization course.

Click here to see a list of all upcoming BDLA webinars and view videos of previous webinars.

Build Beyond Zero

BDLA Monthly Webinar: Build Beyond Zero

February 16, 2024

40% of global emissions come from the built environment, yet we now see a path beyond zero to buildings absorbing gigatons of carbon every year.  Bruce King gave a talk about building technologies both new and ancient that can provide all of our needs as well as help heal the climate.
Speaker Bio: 
Bruce King

Bruce King

Bruce King is the author of The New Carbon Architecture and Build Beyond Zero with Chris Magwood, and has been a structural engineer for 45 years, designing buildings of every size and type all over the world. He is also author of the ASTM standard for earthen construction, the Marin County Low-Carbon Concrete code, Design of Straw Bale Buildings, and other books.  He is also Founder and Director of the Ecological Building Network (EBNet), a non-profit information resource that is launching the BuildWell Project to develop and disseminate free online video and teaching resources on climate-friendly building.

Webinar Recording